Flathead is wild caught and notably recognised for its usual flat head and body found in South Australian waters. The Australian Deepsea Flathead is widely considered to be the best Australian fish for fish’n’chips, due to the sweet flesh which is moist, flaky and tender especially when encased in a crisp batter. It can also be steamed, poached, pan-fried or grilled.
Weight range |
Cut |
Mixed sizes | Fillets 2kg tray |
Ferguson Australia Garfish are caught in the nutrient-dense waters of Kangaroo Island before being
filleted, packed and frozen all on the same day to ensure you are cooking with extraordinarily fresh fish.
Alternative fish species: If you cannot find Garfish at your local stockist, you can substitute the species for an alternative fish with sweet, delicate fillets. We recommend Ferguson Australia King George Whiting, Giant Boarfish, John Dory, Ocean Jacket or Knifejaw.
Weight range |
Cut |
50-65g | Medium Fillets 2kg tray |
66g+ | Large Fillets 2kg tray |
King George Whiting (Sillaginodes punctatus) is line-caught in coastal waters off Kangaroo Island and the west coast of South Australia. There are few fish species that evoke as much state pride as South Australian King George Whiting. Prized for their sweet flesh and delicate fillets, this ultra versatile fish lends itself to any dish where its subtleties can shine. Sustainably caught by lines, the coastal water fish has minimal impacts on threatened species and habitats. It is widely considered the most prized of the Whitings, with other table species in SA waters including Sand, Silver and Yellowfin Whiting.
Alternative fish species: If you cannot find King George Whiting at your local stockist, you can substitute the species for an alternative fish with a sweet flavour and delicate fillets. We recommend Ferguson Australia Garfish, Giant Boarfish, John Dory, Ocean Jacket or Knifejaw.
Weight range |
Cut |
45g-64g | Medium Fillets 2kg tray |
65g-96g | Med/Large Fillets 2kg tray |
97g-140g | Large Fillets 2kg tray |
141g+ | X-Large Fillets 2kg tray |
Bight Redfish (Centroberyx gerrardi) is wild caught in the pristine waters of the Southern Ocean. These schooling fish are found in the deep cold waters around reefs and near the bottom of the ocean floor. The cold oceanic habitat gives the Bight Redfish a clean fresh flavour, and being small in size gives it a sweet flavour compared to larger fish. The Bight Redfish has a high fat content making it highly sought after by chefs.
Weight range |
Cut |
1.0-2.0kg | Whole or Gilled & Gutted |
2.0-3.0kg | Whole or Gilled & Gutted |
3.0kg+ | Whole or Gilled & Gutted |
The Ocean Jacket (Nelusetta ayraudi) is also known as Leatherjacket and Chinaman Leatherjacket. This beautiful fish ranges in colour from bright yellow to pale white and grey. The flesh is white with a moist and delicate texture and pleasant sea aroma. Ocean Jacket is caught in the Southern Ocean around seagrass or the sand bottom using trap fishing vessels.
Weight range |
Cut |
100-210g | Headed, Gutted & skin off |
210-320g | Headed, Gutted & skin off |
320-400g | Headed, Gutted & skin off |
400-500g | Headed, Gutted & skin off |
500-700g | Headed, Gutted & skin off |
Weight range |
Cut |
Mixed sizes | Fillets 2kg tray |
The Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi) is regarded as one of the finest sashimi fish species. The farmed Yellowtail Kingfish is genuinely superior to the wild, with a higher fat content, cleaner flavour and firmer texture making it more versatile, consistent and delicious. Produced from wild brood stock, hatchery raised fingerlings are grown in an open water culture environment located in the Spencer Gulf, South Australia. The fish feed is also locally produced, and natural from sustainable sources. It is also GMO and land animal product free. Yellowtail Kingfish has naturally high levels of Omega-3 and vitamin E, also making it a healthy eating option.
Weight range |
Cut |
900g – 1.6kg | Fillet |
4.0-5.0kg | Gilled, Gutted & Scaled |
Giant Boarfish (Paristiopterus gallipavo & P.labiosus) is wild caught in South Australian waters.
Weight range |
Cut |
Mixed sizes | Fillets 2kg tray |
John Dory (Zeus faber) is wild caught in South Australian waters.
Weight range |
Cut |
Mixed sizes | Fillets 2kg tray |
Latchet (Pterygotrigla polyommata) is wild caught in South Australian waters.
Weight range |
Cut |
Mixed sizes | Fillets 2kg tray |
Knifejaw (Oplegnathus woodwardi) (aka Conway) is wild caught in South Australian waters.
Weight range |
Cut |
Mixed sizes | Fillets 2kg tray |
Red Gurnard (Chelidonichthys kumu) is wild caught in South Australian waters.
Weight range |
Cut |
Mixed sizes | Fillets 2kg tray |
Coorong Yellow Eye Mullet (Aldrichetta forsteri) is wild caught in South Australian waters. Caught in the bountiful ecosystem that is typical to South Australia’s Coorong, this fish swims in both salt water and estuaries and is also known as Yellow Eye Mullet, one of 16 species in Australia. This fish has a flavour as unique as its habitat and is sustainably caught using targeted netting methods. The soft, moist-textured fillets are high in Omega 3, where its oily flesh lends itself to an array of opportunities in the kitchen.
Alternative fish species: If you cannot find Coorong Mullet at your local stockist, you can substitute the species for an alternative fish with a distinctive flavour and similar oil content. We recommend Ferguson Australia Bight Redfish.
Weight range |
Cut |
Mixed sizes | Fillets 2kg tray |